
KT is a member of SGI Europe's Finnish section

SGI Europe is the European Centre of Employers and Enterprises Providing Public Services. KT is a member of SGI Europe's Finnish section.

SGI Europe's Finnish section is a member of SGI Europe.

SGI Europe's members are organisations which provide public services and over which the public authority has a dominant power.

SGI Europe represents its members in EU bodies such as the Commission, Parliament and the European Economic and Social Committee.

SGI Europe participates in social dialogue

SGI Europe is recognised by the European Commission as one of the cross-sectoral organisations which have the right to negotiate contracts in the EU on behalf of its members.

Social dialogue is the term used to describe negotiations between employer and employee organisations and their common objectives and action concerning EU policies and legislation. Social Dialogue is safeguarded by the EU Treaty.

In social dialogue, SGI Europe represents public employers, BUSINESSEUROPE private employers and ETUC employee organisations.

Several framework agreements have been concluded through social dialogue, some of which have been transposed into Finnish legislation via directives. Labour market parties have negotiated the transposition of some framework acts, and the acts have been taken account of in municipal collective agreements or brought to attention some other way.

Finnish section's active contribution

SGI Europe's Finnish section has members from all Finnish public sector employer organisations, that is, KT and  Office for the Government as Employer. The section contributes actively to SGI Europe's decision-making.

Further, the Finnish section takes part in negotiations relating to gender equality, family leave, working hours and other matters of interest to it. ​​​​​